Silent film – History of Film Subtitling
Today it is difficult to imagine the history of silent cinema without film subtitles. In addition to the obvious functions, could cinematic subtitles have also played an artistic role?
Learn about the history of film now. Silent cinema, the origins of cinema, the first sound film, film editing.
Today it is difficult to imagine the history of silent cinema without film subtitles. In addition to the obvious functions, could cinematic subtitles have also played an artistic role?
The history of Hollywood is closely linked to the operation of movie studios and the creation of movie stars. Star system is the basic mechanism of the Dream Factory.
We refer to the first years of silent film as fair cinema. Thus, the history of film begins with a plebeian spectacle for a mass audience.
The Oscar statuette arouses unique emotions among filmmakers. What were the origins of the American Academy Awards? Learn now a brief history of the Oscars.
Female directors are, unfortunately, a minority of the profession. Women’s cinema, meanwhile, are outstanding names who deserve special recognition.
Edwin Porter and David Griffith determined the shape of American cinema. Film history owes them editing and plot, the basic means of cinematic language.
Soviet film and French cinema introduced avant-garde elements to the big screen. Without their innovation, the history of cinema would certainly look different.
The origins of cinema are linked to France, where the first demonstration of the cinematograph took place for the first time. Thus, the official history of film begins with the Lumiere brothers.